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Showing posts with the label Study

MCSA - 70-461 - Chap 11 - Other Data Modification

Moving to Chap 11.

MCSA - 70-461 - Chapter 8 - Tables

Took Friday off to catch up.  I'm halfway through Chapter 8 and pushing to finish Chapter 9 tonight... If lucky maybe punch through or at least hit part of Chapter 10.  Then rest of weekend to try clear out the last 7 chapters.  Let's do this.

MCSA 70-461 - Chapter 7 XML

Not quite where I want to be.  I'm only in Chapter 7 as of 12/2.  Taking longer than expected.  Hope to speed up as Chapter 8 -- Tables and 9 -- Views should be easier.

70-461 Study Plan

I hope to hit Chapter 8 this Sunday.  That leaves 9 chapters remaining.  I will budget two weeks to finish the rest and try to do 4-5 chapters per week (1-2 over the weekdays and 2-3 on the weekends).  It was just this past weekend I decided to cram so many chapters.  I'll take the practice exams and maybe in 1-3 weeks sit for the actual exam.  I'll have to go find the exam center and schedule a testing appointment.

MCSA -- more study, coffee for company

More study!  Goal for this weekend?  Finish up to Chapter 8 or halfway through the book 70-461.  299 of 677 pages... I'm finishing up Chap 4, so got 5 tonight and 6,7,8 on Sunday. Chap 8 is table creation and data integrity...I can make it there.

70-461 - Chapter 4 -- Combining Sets

Keep chugging along.  Refresher on Joins.

70-461 -- Chapter 3 -- filtering and sorting data

Moving along.  Mostly because I read all this before a year ago.  Still learning new stuff though.  First pass was overwhelming, second round a bit better.

70-461 Chapter 1 - Foundations of Querying

I read this book already, but it's been over a year and decided to read it again. Still not confident on sitting for the exam even though I use this stuff daily at work.  I've got 2,000 pages to read (3 books)...20 pages/ hour = 100 hours to complete.  Dang.

Time to get serious about MCSA

It's been almost five years since writing some heavy SQL and time to get serious and sit for the MCSA.  But before, study, study.  And so, first step, invest in the books for the MCSA.  Study time.

Coffee & Economist

Woke up early so figured...why not...go to Starbucks and enjoy a morning break.  My two faves..Cup of Joe and The Economist Magazine.  To make it even more and a good pair of headphones.  ATH-M50's next time around.

Saturday Study @Home

Enjoying studying at home.  It's much more convenient and cheaper!  Loving it (actually, doing this as I have to do laundry and wanted to take care of it today so I am totally free tomorrow).

Coffee Bean - Sunday Study

A spot was available at Coffee Bean.  Onwards to the studies.  Went back to the M50's.  Much better for noisy coffee shops.

Saturday ...another study day

Did laundry in the morning, had a late lunch and now hitting the 'books' again.  Brought the Audio Technica 55's.  And using my new IPad case...a gorgeous green color. Way better than my old drab black case.

Sunday Study !

Going to eat a late lunch then head over to a coffee shop for some more studying!   Window seat.  Raspberry Ice Tea. Awesome weekend and awesome day!

Study the window with a view

Place is packed, but got a spot by the corner with a window view.

Tuesday Study - Sadly at Home :(

Everywhere was packed.  Wasted an hour driving around and just went home.  Picked up a Raspberry Ice Tea.  Chapter 6!  Playing 'World Order - Welcome to Tokyo'

Sunday Study!

Chapter 5 - Grouping & Windowing SQL. Trying a Strawberry Smoothie. Good stuff.  The multiple ways to group and use various options, like a CTE.

Study @ Starbucks - SubQueries

Alright, let's get it cracking...another weekend...more study.  Ended up at Starbucks as the other Coffee Shop had no parking.  Lighting is good, seats are comfortable so I might just return back to Starbucks.  I hope to push ahead and try to knock out three chapters 4, 5, 6.  Got 17 total and that would put me 1/3 of the way to completion. Good stuff...recursive CTE (common table expressions).  Pretty wild I can now follow and make sense of all this code!

Study Shots - My New Genre - so what are you studying today?

Here is an older pic when I started studying for the MCSA.  This was one of my last times at Starbucks (although, in hindsight the lighting, chairs and tables are much more comfortable than another coffee shop I've been frequenting recently).  I may return back.  But anyway, I'm marking the 'study shot'.  So what are you studying today?  

Late Nite or Early Morning Study Session?

Put it to the test and was studying @ 3am.  My amazement, I wasn't alone and there were others also studying.  Granted, I think they are still in school and I'm purely voluntary.  Weird to see the morning shine's been a while since I pulled an all-nighter.