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Showing posts with the label Perspective

2024 Savings Goal - $1k

I want to increase my cash on hand to $1,000.  I presently have $720.  This is separate from my regular savings and retirement accounts.  I just like having some physical cash on hand. I squirrel it away in several locations and rarely keep more than $150-200 in my wallet.  Most stashes are small about $40-60. Goal are 7 stashes: Wallet - $200 Safe - $400 Med Stash - $100 Med Stash - $100 Med Stash - $100 Small Stash - $50 Small Stash - $50 I like to grow them gradually about $20 per week so it’ll take me a year to reach $1,000. If this goes to plan, I’ll do this for 2 more years adding $500 per year until I max out at $2,000 physical cash by 2026 with: Wallet - $400 Safe - $1000 Med Stash - $200 Med Stash - $200 Med Stash - $100 Small Stash - $50 Small Stash - $50

COVID-19 Blues...miss eating in a proper restaurant...lots of food pics

 2020 has been a lousy year.  I know, it could be even worse and in many ways I'm very fortunate.  But, in other ways the isolation and ennui is really taking its toll on me. I'm sure it'll get better and things will improve.  The COVID-19 is a shared experience in global misery on a scale not felt since the Great Depression or World War II, so like what everyone says...suck it up and carry on. Yeah, I know that and will, but same time I'm going to gripe about it all the same.  While I'm able to enjoy most of the creature comforts, there is one thing I sorely miss and its the ability to eat in a proper restaurant, none of this takeaway.

5 Years of Blogging ... to free myself from Social Media

I started blogging Jan 2014 (well...Nov/Dec 2013 to be specific).  I guess that makes it 5 years since.  Some things have changed in my life and I've learned quite a bit from blogging, I'm just amazed at how much time has gone by.  It feels 'almost' like yesterday when I started blogging. My primary goal in blogging was to wean myself away from social media and it has proven successful.  I'm able to post whatever I want, whenever I want and not feel pressured or watched by my friends and family who may find offense with what I write.  Granted, I write generally benign, practically boring stuff, it's still nice to be somewhat free under semi-anonymity (we are never truly anonymous online). By freeing myself from the constant need (addiction) of checking social media every few minutes...I've probably given myself back 2-3 hours to invest in the mundane habit called 'living' and 2-3 hours a day is a lot of time.  I can sit and relax, get lost in my