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MCSA -- 70-461 - Chap 15 - Index & Statistics

Stuff is deep and taking while to read and understand.  Hitting Chapter 15 -- Indexes & Statistics.  Maybe I'll make it to 17 by Sunday, if not by Christmas?  Still a good pace and almost done.

Making good pace...Book 70-461

I'm making a good pace in the 70-461 book.  Although I took two weeks worth of breaks, I've managed to finish 75% of the book and should finish the whole book within a month of starting (11/22 - 12/22).  I'm thinking I can finish each MCSA exam portion (read the book , practice exams) In about 6-7 weeks total, so I can wrap this whole MCSA thing in about 18-21 weeks and leave me time to tackle the MCSE!  Now I've already accumulated five years of practical experience and the exams are just a way to test my aptitude and expose me to things I don't normally have an opportunity to use much at work.  In any case, MCSE sounds like a good goal, after the MCSA of course.  After that?  Hmm...more dev stuff, which might not be covered in any formal exam or go back to school and snag a Math Degree.  Ha. Goals March 2016 -- MCSA certification June 2016 -- MCSE certification Rest of 2016 -- study code!

MCSA -- 70-461 -Chapter 14 -- Query Performance Tools

Getting closer to the final stretch.  Chapter 14 -- Query Performance Tools.

MCSA -- 70-461 -Chap 13 -- T-SQL Routines

Took a break, but back in the game.  Chapter 13 - T-SQL routines

MCSA - 70-461 - Chapter 12 - Transactions, Error Handling, Dynamic SQL

Behind schedule, but still going.  Now Chapter 12.

MCSA - 70-461 - Chap 11 - Other Data Modification

Moving to Chap 11.

MCSA - 70-461 - Chapter 8 - Tables

Took Friday off to catch up.  I'm halfway through Chapter 8 and pushing to finish Chapter 9 tonight... If lucky maybe punch through or at least hit part of Chapter 10.  Then rest of weekend to try clear out the last 7 chapters.  Let's do this.

MCSA 70-461 - Chapter 7 XML

Not quite where I want to be.  I'm only in Chapter 7 as of 12/2.  Taking longer than expected.  Hope to speed up as Chapter 8 -- Tables and 9 -- Views should be easier.

70-461 Study Plan

I hope to hit Chapter 8 this Sunday.  That leaves 9 chapters remaining.  I will budget two weeks to finish the rest and try to do 4-5 chapters per week (1-2 over the weekdays and 2-3 on the weekends).  It was just this past weekend I decided to cram so many chapters.  I'll take the practice exams and maybe in 1-3 weeks sit for the actual exam.  I'll have to go find the exam center and schedule a testing appointment.

MCSA -- more study, coffee for company

More study!  Goal for this weekend?  Finish up to Chapter 8 or halfway through the book 70-461.  299 of 677 pages... I'm finishing up Chap 4, so got 5 tonight and 6,7,8 on Sunday. Chap 8 is table creation and data integrity...I can make it there.

Starbucks - Ice Coffee w/ Milk No Sugar (ICM) -- My Signature Drink

My Signature Drink that I usually order when @ Starbucks is the ICM or Ice Coffee w/Milk and No Sugar.  I've been drinking this for years and originally, I had the Hazelnut Version, but gave that up as I stopped liking sugar.

70-461 - Chapter 4 -- Combining Sets

Keep chugging along.  Refresher on Joins.

70-461 -- Chapter 3 -- filtering and sorting data

Moving along.  Mostly because I read all this before a year ago.  Still learning new stuff though.  First pass was overwhelming, second round a bit better.

70-461 Chapter 1 - Foundations of Querying

I read this book already, but it's been over a year and decided to read it again. Still not confident on sitting for the exam even though I use this stuff daily at work.  I've got 2,000 pages to read (3 books)...20 pages/ hour = 100 hours to complete.  Dang.