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MCSA 70-462 - SQL Server 2012 Administrator

I'm halfway through the next book in the MCSA SS 2012 certification path; 70-462 SQL Server 2012 Administrator.  Fortunately, I have done quite a bit of what the book discusses already at work when I built a Web App from scratch and also deploying quite a few vendor solutions that run on SQL Server.  Kinda cool and I guess in a way better I read the book 'after' I did the practical hands on.  Makes more sense when reading as if second-nature; or so I hope.  I'll bum rush through the rest of the book and sit for the second exam possibly as early as this coming Friday or next week.  However, a lot of this is geared more towards a DBA, which is not my professional goal, but hey better to learn a bit than none at all?

Study Plan
  • 1/19 - Chapter 1
  • 1/20 - Chapter 2
  • 1/22 - Chapter 3
  • 1/23 - Chapter 4, 5, 6
  • 1/24 - Chapter 7, 8, 9
  • 1/25 - Chapter 10
  • 1/26 - Chapter 11
  • 1/27 - Chapter 12
  • 1/28 - 2/4 - Exam Prep
  • 2/5 - Exam - Failed - 678 / 700
  • 3/5 - Exam - Failed - 679 / 700
  • 4/1 - Exam - PASSED!! 810/700

1/23 -- Saturday -- On Schedule!
Done with 6 and saving 7 - 9 for Sunday. If I can squeeze in more all the better and prep, prep, prep for Exam.  Likely do some case studies on the test system.

1/24/16 - Sunday
Went to McDonald's @ Noon for a coffee and finished Chapter 7 in about 90 minutes.

Sunday Mini Schedule
12 - 1:30 pm -- Chapter 7
2 - 3:30 pm -- Chapter 8
4 - 5:30 pm -- Chapter 9
6 - 7:30 pm -- Chapter 10 (if I'm up for it...)
A bit behind....starting Chapter 9 @ 5 pm...keep going my friend.

1/25 - Chapter 10 - Indexes
This chapter looks a lot like what I covered in the prior book, I'll skim a bit and focus on new topics that pop up.

1/26 - Done Reading
I finished Chapter 11 & 12.  11 was interesting as it discussed Backups and while I did mostly Full/Incremental, it shared some other options and details.  For 12 it's Code Case Studies and not really anything to 'read'.  I did the 1st Code Case Study and answered the 20 questions and for most part understand what its trying to teach.  I went ahead and started the CD exam practice and will drill through those until Exam Time.  But based on what I experienced from the 1st Exam (70-461) the CD questions nowhere near as difficult as the real exam questions so I'll go through the book and online read what people have to say.  For me conceptually, I want to both read and understand the code and general steps taken to perform various tasks.  Wish me luck.

Bummer, failed the exam.  Was close at 678, needed 700!  I recall 19 questions I flagged for review as I was stumped and was stuck on simple things.  Need to review as I was tired and got confused things like Revoke vs Deny for User Security and other concepts.  I'll study some more and try again.  I will go ahead and study for the next exam and take both back to back.  I'll refresh for this one as I know what I missed and will practice at work those steps to grill it into my head.

Been studying ever since.  My game plan is to read the book again, do the questions and review my notes based on what I recall from the exam.

12 chapters - 7 days
Exam prep - 3 days


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